Logo Yellowhead Helicopters services BC Alberta

Month: December 2018

Aerial construction helicopter services

Utility Support

A BC Hydro approved operator, Yellowhead Helicopters ensures that all of its pilots stay current and qualified by taking “Flying in the Wire Environment” & Pilot Decision Making courses.

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photo of landed helicopter with SAR team loading a person

Emergency Services

YHL is equipped to provide emergency helicopter services from our network of bases throughout BC & AB as well as in remote locations across Canada.

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Mineral exploration by helicopter in BC & Alberta

Natural Resource Exploration Support

Our crews are experienced in remote, high altitude exploration operations. We will provide you with an aircraft that offers not only convenience & value, but a calculated safety margin as well.

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helicopter services for forestry support equipment

Forestry Support

In addition to fire fighting operations, Yellowhead Helicopters has the expertise, air crew and equipment necessary to provide support to all operations that make up the forest industry.

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Spidertracks Aircraft Tracking logo
Video Gallery

Spidertracks Case Study

Watch the YouTube video by Spidertracks regarding Yellowhead Helicopters fleet flight tracking software and safety improvements.

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