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Vendor Quality & Safety Survey

Thank you for choosing to fill out our survey online.  A digital copy of the PDF follows below. 

Please fill it out and click the green “submit all answers” at the bottom.

Most of the fields require an answer, even if it’s simply an “N/A”.

Dear Supplier,

Below is a Vendor Quality and Safety Survey. Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd. requests that suppliers and vendors fill out the following fields and submit to the attention of the Safety Department.

These records will be maintained on file and updated periodically. Yellowhead Helicopters will use this questionnaire to conduct an evaluation of your organization. An on-site survey of your organization may be requested at a later date.

Please complete the survey below, preferably within two weeks of receipt of notice. Promptness will ensure that your organization remains an approved vendor for Yellowhead Helicopters.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance.

Best Regards,

Hope McNaughton

Director of Safety
Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd
Cell: 250-961-1275

Company Profile:

Management Contacts:

Current Regulatory Approvals:

Safety/Quality Questionnaire: